Mariazell Railway tour confirmed
We worked on this tour for a long time, it took almost 3 years to get everyone on board and plan the tour. Now we have easily exceeded the minimum number of participants and therefore nothing stands in the way of the tour anymore. Actually, we could confirm and send the bills, but we want to wait a little longer until we have our pre-program for Friday, May 10, 2019 in dry cloths. Only then does it make sense to firmly arrange all rooms in the tour hotel reserved by us.
Our long-time customer Werner Prokop has written a book worth reading about the Mariazellerbahn and together we make you the following offer. The book costs 35 Euro, we offer it from our contingent for 25 Euro. So that the shipping costs do not destroy the savings again, we take some copies with us to our annual lectures in Bonn (12 January) and Dresden (26 January). Also during the Mariazeller Railway Tour you can still buy it from us (please order it by e-mail - there are only 20 copies left (an extended edition with the sky stairs (which really doesn't need anybody) can be bought in the shop for 35 Euro).
P.S. : we still accept bookings for the Mariazellerbahn tour, there are still some places available.