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Persönliche Beratung

+49 (0)151 27 588 064

Mi. & Fr. 15-19 Uhr

Fotoreisen &


keine Tour und keine Veranstaltungen in 2025
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Absage Ybbstalbahn Tour
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Österreichtour findet statt
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Programmänderung Österreich
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Absage der Muskau Tour
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Schmalspurdampf in Köslin
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Schmalspurdampf in Polen
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2 neue Photoshootings online
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Noch 10 Touren....
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Schmalspurdampf in Polen vom 18. - 26. Oktober 2024
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Ybbstalbahn am 8. und 9. Oktober 2024
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Noch 9 Touren....
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Über Tanago

Erleben Sie mit Tanago eindrucksvolle Eisenbahnreisen und speziell für Fotografen und Videofilmer organisierte Sonderfahrten.

Wir sind selbst Eisenbahnfans und Fotografen und wissen, worauf es ankommt, damit Sie eindrucksvolle Bilder und Videos mit nach Hause nehmen können.
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Tanago Eisenbahnreisen; D - 13347 Berlin, Malplaquetstrasse 10,
Personal Consultation - Wednesday & Friday: 3 - 7 pm - Phone: +49 (0)151 27 588 064

We travel to the most rewarding railway lines around the world: be it China, Mongolia, Africa, India, or the Americas.
We run charter trains in Germany and our neighbouring countries like Poland, Austria, or the Czech Republic, too.
Our photo tours and workshops deal with all aspects of modern photography, we show you how to take your picture "correctly" and help you to develop them in the right way.
As common on all our tours, all participants are invited to share their ideas and make them real on a Tanago event.

Beside our railfan and photo tours Tanago offers the entire array of traditional travel services like air-tickets, insurances, and the elaboration of individual travel arrangements.

Many of our tours are being run repeatedly several timers because our customers and the railways we are cooperating with, know why to work with us:

On our website you will find all the dates of our trips and also the respective booking form for travel registration, pictures of past tours and travel reports.

We are running a free newsletter that informs you about the latest Tanago stories and tours. If you like to subscribe, please click here.